Opposites Attract

Chapter 4: Rubbing It In

"Awww, you going home alone, boo?"

Faith fought the urge to laugh out loud. She'd already had her fun with Ellen, now it was Sabrina's turn. Her girl was positively priceless when like this, and Faith simply could not resist taking advantage of the situation.

"Po', po' 'Bwina… Seems you've come down with the same affliction Ellen's suffering from. Lack-O-Dick-Itis!"

The sound of the phone as it clattered upon the marble floor was barely heard above the gales of Faith's laughter.

"See…" Sabrina began.

"That was wrong, heifa," Ellen joined in, biting back laughter of her own.

"You're an evil heifa." Sabrina exaggerated the phrase, trying her best not to join her friends in laughter. But it was no use. "When your monkey-ass wasn't getting none, you, too, Ellen, did I rub it in???"

All three women paused, and in three separate parts of the world gave truly priceless looks that although no one was around to see, all knew had been "witnessed" amongst them.

"Shut the hell up! Both of you." Sabrina laughed. "Ellen, take your crippled ass to bed. Alone. Do not - I repeat, do not - try and convince those first year med students over there in St. Croix that they need to take an ‘oral exam,’ and that they can "practice" on you!"

"Like the song says," Ellen crowed, "‘And it's too late, baby, now it's too late…’"

"Y'all some naaaaasty heifas!" Faith was now wiping tears from her eyes.

Not missing a beat, Sabrina started in on the other one.

"And Faith, you take your evil ass back to that husband of yours and finish playing Hide The Italian Sausage," in a bored voice she emphasized, "because we all know that's all you two have been doing over there in Sicily on your honeymoon…"

"Dearheart, don't hate," Faith soothed mockingly, in a sing-song voice, "congratulate!"

"‘Congratulate’ this heifa!" Sabrina made a rude gesture then nearly began to convulse with laughter as she realized neither Faith nor Ellen could witness the act. On the other end of the line, Faith and Ellen were now laughing nearly as hard as Sabrina.

"It's a shame, a cryin' shame…" Ellen affected the old "church mother" voice she recalled from her childhood. "God don't like ugly, baby…"

"No, he don't." Sabrina nodded sassily. "But that don't stop him from lovin' you two heathens, does it?"

"I'm gonna pray for you," Faith cut in, barely able to get the words out between chuckles. "And Ellen, too. Y'all some bitter, bitter women…"

"Wha?" Ellen queried. "Just because I don't get all swept up in the commercialism of Valentine's Day? It's nothing but a ploy to get folks to spend good money on candy and flowers. And for what?" she scoffed. "I hate damn Valentine's Day!"

"Damn right," Sabrina agreed. "See, when we're head over nauseating heels in love like you are, then we'll sing a different tune, okay?"

"Preach! Preach!" Ellen guffawed. Both Sabrina and Faith could so easily envision Ellen waving an imaginary white hanky.

"But until then? I'm gonna be one spiteful bitch! So, unless you gonna pray for me and Ellen to get some dick, don't bother!" Sabrina chuckled - although she was completely serious.

"I gotta end this call before the two of you have my whole body in traction! I'll see you crazy heifas when I get back next week. Lata!"

"Lata," Faith and Sabrina replied.

"You gonna be okay?" Faith's voice was soft, but there was no mistaking the concern in her tone. "For real?"

"Yeah. I'm okay." Sabrina sighed, nodding as she leaned against the wall and punched the button for the elevator. "Just having a fit because I didn't get my way…"

"Spoiled heifa. I'm so glad I'm not like that…"

"Girl you'd better stop lying… And while you're at it, stop making me laugh! I tell you, I haven't laughed this hard since Dara showed up at Wyndemere with the DVDs she'd picked out for us to watch…"

"Please, don't remind me!" Faith cringed. "Sabrina do not, I mean it," she warned, "do not do it!"

"Bern-chicka-bern-bern…bern-bern…" Sabrina began a dead-on imitation of the music from the adult film Dara had mistakenly selected for them to view, Saving Ryan's Privates. "Now, Faith, you gotta admit, Ryan did have some rather impressive…privates!"

"Good lard and butter! I feel like my Granny Mae! If it ain't Ellen, it's you. I'm telling you, y'all gonna keep me on my knees…"

"No, boo. That would be your husband," Sabrina cracked as the elevator arrived. "G'nite. And thanks for calling." She stepped into the elevator's cab. And stopped dead in her tracks.

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