Opposites Attract

Chapter 2: The Best Laid Plans…


''Sorry, luv…’’

This was just great.

She cast an angry, disbelieving glance at the Bulgari adorning her right wrist and saw that it was nearly 11 p.m. This was how her Valentine's Day evening would end?!

In stunned silence, Sabrina listened to the message as her "sure thing," Jerry Jacks, explained his time in Port Charles had been cut short; he was calling her from high above the Atlantic, headed out of the country on an urgent assignment.

It seemed as if every ounce of frustration the tawny beauty felt was now housed within the slender finger that punched the offending key of the answering machine atop her desk.

If she wasn't so damn tired, she'd have picked up the device and flung it across the tastefully decorated office. No sooner had she entertained the impulsive action than the thought was banished from her mind.

Turning on her heels, she made a hasty exit from her office, locking the door behind her.

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