It's No Secret

Part VII

      Justus held up a hand to ward off the confused young woman's protest.

      “No, let me finish,” he continued. “I'm not here to pass judgment, Em. Now I know Alan and Monica were not crazy about your involvement with Zander Smith. Neither was I. And I know you're going to find it hard to believe I - of all people - am saying this, but I almost wish there was something between you two again. However, unlike your parents, I stay out of your personal affairs. I don't try and run your life.”

      There was a pause followed by a stare Emily swore could cut stone. Justus' voice had not risen an octave. Nor had his piercing stare wavered.

      “Even when I absolutely do not agree with your choices...”

      Justus had deliberately allowed his words to trail off and was pleasantly surprised at the speed with which realization began to dawn for Emily. He was even more impressed when she made no attempt to offer up an explanation for her actions.

      It appeared his cousin was far more mature than even he gave her credit for. Perhaps that sinking feeling he'd had in the pit of his stomach upon discovering Sonny and Emily's clandestine union was unwarranted.


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