Pale Imitations

Chapter Ten

      "Would you mind very much if I stole this lovely creature from you for a dance?"

      The sound of the voice was music to the woman's ears. Her delight was evident in the smile that shone in her eyes.

      'I love you Jasper Jacks! I love you, I love you, I love you!'

      As he watched the silent exchange between his sometime business rival and the woman, grudgingly, the head of Newman Enterprises rose from the table. When the tawny beauty he'd been attempting to engage in conversation made no move to halt his progress, Victor Newman merely gave a curt nod of his head.

      "Good night, Jax. Good night, Doctor." Realizing if she hadn't divulged any more regarding her identity by now - other than the fact that she was a doctor - surely she had no intentions of doing so before he left. Victor allowed his gaze to boldly rake over her shapely, scantily clad frame. "Until we meet again."

      "Not if I can help it," Sabrina DeLane muttered under her breath. Seconds later, she launched herself into the waiting arms of Jax, placing a resounding kiss upon his mouth. "Have I told you lately you're my favorite ex-brother-in-law? Have I? Huh?" she laughed.

      "I'm your only ex-brother-in-law, Sabrina," Jax reminded her, joining her in laughter. "Look, I've gotta work the room some more, but I wanna see you, okay? And don't let another two years go by before I do, alright?" Releasing her from his embrace, he stole a quick kiss before dashing off to work the old Jacks charm.

      "Should I be jealous, Sabryn?"

      Try though she might, Sabrina could not prevent the blissful smile which danced across her countenance. For some reason, tonight he'd taken to addressing her by that instead of Sabrina. Next to hearing Jax's voice when he saved her from Slick Willie Newman, there was no other sound that made Sabrina's soul sing.

      "You know I only have eyes for you, Andresj'," she responded. Her voice was teasingly seductive. Offering up a bawdy grin, she winked and added, "Tonight."

      "If tonight is all I can have," he reached for her hand and raised it to his mouth, "then let us not waste time, no?" Never breaking eye contact, his lips reverently caressed her knuckles. A small half-smile, one of pure male satisfaction tugged at the corners of his mouth as he heard her sharp intake of breath.

      "Speaking of time…" his dance companion interjected, addressing her slightly shaken friend, "Sabrina, I need to be going." She turned her attention to Andresj'. "Thank you, once again, for coming to my 'rescue' earlier," she chuckled.

      "It was my pleasure, I assure you," he smiled.

      The hint of mischief registering in his eyes gave the older woman pause to wonder just how much of the statement was playful teasing and how much was truth. Now it was her turn to mimic Sabrina's reaction and look on in stunned silence.

      "Good evening, Ladies," he replied. That cruelly beautiful half-smile once again adorning his face, his gaze found Sabrina's one last time as he added, "Pleasant dreams."

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