“Miss Sabrina?” A voice bearing the slightest trace of an accent interrupted softly. “We will be landing shortly.”

Slowly tearing her gaze away from the view, Sabrina absently nodded her thanks. When the handsome, impeccably attired sentry maintained his presence, she finally spoke. “Yes, Anton?”

“If I may?” He nodded discreetly towards her lap upon which multiple medical journals (several in foreign tongues) as well as a nearly two inch thick tome on the history of Neuroscience were perched. “I do believe it may prove most…difficult to secure your seatbelt if you still harbor these on your person.” With an economy of motion he retrieved all the reading material.

“Thank you.” Offering a soft smile, she then complied with his subtle instructions. A curt nod of his head and he was gone.

Grateful for the solitude once more, Sabrina mentally kicked herself. Cruising at 30,000 feet within the luxurious confines of the sleek Gulfstream was not necessary for her head to be in the clouds—it had been there since finding out Jack was going to marry Audrey. An observation which she found disconcerting given her world in no way had come to a complete standstill when she ended things with Jack.

True, there was the requisite initial period of ‘sadness’ but as with any and all unpleasant events in life, she pressed on. Did she get lonely? Hell yes. But those moments were few and fleeting; her family and small circle of friends more than compensated for those instances. In short, life went on. Once the initial shock and pain wore off, her attention was fully focused on her two greatest passions: her family and her work. The latter was an area which she seemingly attacked with an almost renewed zeal in the wake of the breakup. Rare were the occasions an O.R. door swung open at the hospital and she was not the surgeon helming the procedure. General Hospital was where she would currently be if not for her unplanned excursion.

(Sabrina did not look forward to what the very skilled and extremely ambitious new hot-shot surgeon Patrick Drake would request as ‘payment’ for agreeing to her last-minute request to cover her O.R. schedule; she had a sinking feeling it involved two words that had the power to turn even the most imperturbable of surgeons into a swooning, trembling schoolgirl being felt up for the first time: co-joined twins.)

It was an accurate assessment to conclude Sabrina’s work was not suffering. Neither was her sex life. Granted, she was the reigning queen of solo satisfaction. By choice. If she wanted a man to share her bed that could easily be remedied. While her philosophy was off putting to some – Sabrina liked men and made no apologies when it came to either her appetite for or appreciation of them – in true Cassadine fashion, she did not give so much as a cursory thought to the opinions of others, only to her wants. And as was befitting a Cassadine, she wanted only the best life had to offer.

She saw no reason that should not apply to the bedroom as well.

If she wanted ‘the best’ as of late, Sabrina knew all she had to do was pick up the phone and either rub her silk stocking clad legs together, or snap the band on the scant scrap of silk adorning her hips and – depending on his location in the world at the time – upon bearing witness to said sounds within anywhere from one hour to one day she could be taking the ride of her life on (and beneath) the guaranteed good time that was WSB Agent Jericho “Jerry” Jacks.

As he was so fond of reminding her simply put Sabrina and Jerry were the poster children for fuck buddies. They’d not seen each other in almost two years; and while theirs was sexual shorthand that did not take long to resume, she was not inclined to indulge in that which was so very familiar. Even before she ended things with Jack, she’d begun to feel that ‘just sex’ was not enough. Yet a serious relationship was too much. So, she found a…happy medium.

‘Mr. Happy.’

As far as Sabrina was concerned, her battery operated friend (the perfect blend of girth and length) got the job done—and quite well. How well? Molded from a most substantial column of flesh, replete with an impressive ridged head and all too lifelike veins, her ‘new best friend’ was so realistic the first few times she had to remind herself what she held in her hand was a dildo and not the real deal…

The voice of the captain announcing the jet would begin making its descent served to bring Sabrina’s randy thoughts to a screeching halt and return her to her earlier pensive mood. For the past few days she’d found herself giving serious pause to exactly what direction she saw her life taking—and if she envisioned herself making the journey with anyone or alone. So engrossed in her moment of self-reflection as she stared blindly out the window, Sabrina had not even noticed the darkening of the skies.

She could not help but think it was a sign of things to come.

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