

      Regarding each other through weary eyes, Stefan and Sabrina nodded in unison. The silent gesture signaled they both were agreeing to let the matter drop. Having agreed on at least that much, both knew all that remained was to say good-bye. As they gazed upon each other, each silently wondered how they would manage without the other.

      ''Travel safely, and take care,'' Stefan said softly, lowering his mouth to claim Sabrina's.

      'You...do...the...same,'' she murmured breathlessly against his lips as his kiss began to consume her.

      What was meant to last for mere seconds seemed to go on for an eternity. Not that either minded in the least. The kiss increasing in its passion, a light knock at the door served to bring things to an end.

      ''Stefan. Finally I've found you!,'' Laura exclaimed, ignoring Sabrina. ''Did you forget about our meeting? I've been waiting for nearly an hour,'' she complained.

      ''He didn't forget,'' Sabrina explained. Making no attempt to mask her delight at Laura's perturbed state, she continued. ''He was deep in something that's all.'' Pausing, Sabrina grinned wickedly then added, ''Real deep.''

      Stefan found himself forced to offer up a faint cough to stifle his laughter. How he loved Sabrina's mischievous side! And oh, how he would miss it, a tiny voice reminded him.

      Glancing back and forth between Sabrina and Stefan, Laura quickly deduced that some private joke had been shared at her expense. ''Anyway!'' she sighed. Tapping her feet impatiently, she cocked her head at Stefan. ''Well, Stefan...I'm waiting!''

      ''Always have been...always will be,'' Sabrina muttered.

      ''Exscuse me?'' Laura inquired, her brows arched.

      ''Believe me, Laura, I try. God knows, I try!'' Sabrina bit out.

      Clearing his throat, Stefan stepped in between the two women—he stood between his past and future, one could say. ''I have a matter to conclude with Sabrina, Laura, and then I shall join you momentarily,'' Stefan stated evenly.

      ''Go on, Stefan,'' Sabrina sighed, shaking her head warily. ''Our 'business' has been settled. I do believe I have made my position perfectly clear, have I not?'' she intoned.

      ''Yes,'' Stefan nodded ruefully. ''That you have done.''

      ''Good,'' Sabrina nodded in return. ''Just remember what I said, Stefan,'' she implored, casting a bored look in a now-fuming Laura's direction. ''If you can do that, then I wholeheartedly recommend you proceed.''

      Stepping to Stefan, Sabrina leaned in and kissed him softly on the lips. Her next words were barely heard in the wake of Laura's gasp. ''But until then, my love? Don't even think about it!''

      Turning to face Laura, whose mouth was still agape, Sabrina offered up a smile that never reached her dazzling brown eyes. ''Later, Laura,'' she nodded. ''Much later.''

      Sauntering out of the room with her head held high and her hips lightly swaying, Sabrina's retreating form was the only thing that registered in Stefan's mind. As Laura continued to drone on about business and ‘tea dates’ for Leslie Lu, Stefan proceeded to focus on only one thing: Sabrina.

      The realization dawning upon him that the best thing to ever happen to him was literally walking out of his life , Stefan suddenly found himself imbued with a truly inspired idea. With Laura's shrill babble faintly ringing in his ears, Stefan exited the room, retrieving his cell phone from his breast pocket. ''Winters, have the car out front in five minutes.''

      Casting a furtive glance at his watch he clicked off then dialed the other necessary number. As he waited for the other party to pick up, Stefan surveyed the magnificent view of Port Charles as it lay below him. ''Dixon, I need the jet fueled and ready to leave within the hour,'' Stefan informed his long-time pilot. Pausing, Stefan gave the flustered aviator a few seconds to recover. Nodding his head resolutely, a smile of pure peace and contentment shone on his face as he responded to the pilot's query regarding the jet's destination:


~The End~

Song Credit: Ex-Factor, Lauryn Hill (from the CD The Miseducation Of Lauryn Hill)

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