
Chapter Nine

      With Stefan's face buried in the crook of her neck, Sabrina gently cupped his head, drawing it upwards so that their gazes met. Her mouth parted as if to speak, but the words never came forth, as for the briefest of moments, while she held Stefan's gaze, she saw the faint flickering of triumph in his mesmerizing emerald orbs. Seconds later, Stefan and Sabrina's lips met in a bruising kiss as the wave of pleasure overtook them both. Their moans and sighs filling the room drowned out the strangled cry lodged in Sabrina's throat.

      Slowly, Sabrina began to untangle herself from Stefan's embrace. Yet with each effort she made to move, Stefan only held on tighter. When their breathing at last returned to a semblance of normalcy, Stefan spoke.

      ''I am sorry,'' he murmured against her cheek.

      ''Don't be,'' she whispered. Swallowing the lump in her throat, she prayed she could get the next words out without dissolving into a puddle of tears. As Stefan raised his face to hers, his pain-filled eyes all but taking her breath away, she knew her prayer would go unanswered. Holding up a trembling hand as she shook her head, Sabrina motioned for Stefan to remain silent. ''Nothing happened here that neither of us didn't want to, Stefan,'' she began.

      Sabrina made no attempt to stop the tears which now freely flowed down her chiseled cheeks. When Stefan tenderly reached out to wiped them away, she shook her head. The tears, it seemed as of late, had been as much of a defining characteristic of their union as what had just transpired.

      ''And it only serves to prove what we both know is still true,'' Sabrina finished softly.

      ''Were you ever going to tell me?'' Stefan asked. There was no accusation in his tone, neither was there hurt. More like bewilderment.

      ''You know why I need to leave, Stefan.'' Shaking her head, Sabrina's tears were on the verge of being replaced by laughter. ''This,'' she indicated as she cast a bemused glance down at their still entwined bodies, ''although not the main reason, is a factor.''

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