"She's sleeping," Dr. Taza informed Michael as they stood outside Sabrina's suite. "Finally."

     "Did she require sedation?"

     "Yes. Your daughter--let us say she put up quite a fight…" he hedged. "I do believe some of the guards have the scratches and bruises to prove what I say is true." His hands wedged in the pockets of his slacks, his head lowered, Dr. Taza desperately sought to avoid the Don's probing stare.

     Patiently, Michael waited. He sensed, correctly, the timid young physician had more to say. For although Marcello Taza bore the surname of the family whose ties to the Corleones went back for nearly two generations, it was there that the similarities ended. And the differences became quite evident. His medical skills were exemplary. (The same, sadly, could not be said of his late father and grandfather.) However, his social skills were another matter. After a few seconds of silence, Michael realized the information would not be divulged of Taza's own volition. Placing a reassuring hand upon the doctor's shoulder, Michael silently encouraged him to continue.

     "Physically, she is fine. Exhausted, but overall, fine. Emotionally, however…" He paused, glancing away as he gave a forlorn shrug of his shoulders, shaking his head. "Psychology is not my field of expertise, but any doctor worth his degree recognizes the tell-tale signs of an emotional breakdown..."

     "Thank you for your time, Dr. Taza."

     Extending his hand, Michael gave a curt nod of his head, signaling the conversation was over and that the doctor's services were no longer needed. He waited until Taza had been escorted from the area before entering Sabrina's room.

     While he was not surprised to find the room in its current condition, he reasoned the doctor was a master of understatement it seemed. His daughter had put up a fight, indeed. The room looked as if a tornado had torn through it. As he made his way to Sabrina's bedroom, Michael's mind was again flooded with the images from earlier that evening, those of a hysterical, dazed Sabrina weeping and wailing as he led her back to her room. The very room where Giovanni Tieri had defied him.

     All for love.

The Godfather Saga © Mario Puzo & Paramount Pictures

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